International Postgraduate Conference on Science & Technology 2021 (IPCoST21)

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The Centre for Graduate Studies, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) invites you to submit a research paper, participate and present in the International Postgraduate Conference on Science & Technology 2021 (IPCoST21) with details of the conference as follow;

Date: 1-2 December 2021
Mode: Online Platform

The International Postgraduate Conference on Science & Technology (IPCoST21) serves as a sharing platform and a catalyst for postgraduate students, researchers, academics, as well as the community to share information and their research findings.

The Theme of the conference is Science and Technology with the focus of the sub-themes are the following areas but is not limited to

  1. Engineering
  2. Life science
  3. Information Technology
  4. Biomedical and Health
  5. Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Elected papers from this conference will be processed further peer review for publication in a special issue of the following WSEAS journals indexed by Scopus:

  • Transactions on Systems and Controls
  • Transactions on Environment and Development
  • Transactions on Business and Economy
  • Transactions on the Power System
  • Transactions on Applied Mechanics and Theory
  • Transactions on Fluid Mechanics
  • Transactions in Mathematics
  • Transactions on the System (received in Scopus on October 10, 2021)

Authors whose papers have been successfully recommended and given full consideration for publication in these Scopus-indexed journals must comply with the terms and conditions of the agreed journal.

Contact Information:

For further questions regarding the Call for Papers process, please contact the secretariat at or 0355223459 / 0355223568